Friday, July 11, 2008

Motivation to live....

I am dead... why am I dead? I remember the sentence i have read somewhere that life is all about living, nothing in this world will be so horrible to make you feel that, it would be better if you were dead.

Then why I am feeling this? When I prod my senses, i thought it's my pessimistic approach. Person should be strong, and what will make him strong, his faith in him, his confidence in himself and on top of that how much he respect for himself.

I think I should wait, let the time go by. I think if somehow I stand this twister, life will be very beautiful after that. There are lot of people who love me and they believe in me, then I should also believe in their faith.

This thought has really pepped me up and I think this will turn out to be my motivation to live now...

Love you mom , love you Dad.

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